Supporting the Azalea Regional Library System is easy!
Generous donors provide our member libraries with the means to offer educational programs and events, purchase new materials and technology, and support literacy initiatives and campaigns. Below are the many ways that you can support AZRLS today.
Monetary Gift
Support your local member library by making a general monetary donation at the circulation desk or by mailing in your gift. The libraries accept cash or check donations of any amount and these funds are used to support library collections, events and programs, or basic operations. You may also donate by mailing a check to the Regional Headquarters at 1121 East Ave, Madison, GA. 30650. Please do not send cash and make your check payable to the member library of your choice.
Please visit your local library’s web page to view other ways to donate. Some member libraries accept donations via PayPal, Kroger Community Rewards Program, or Amazon Smile.
Memorial or Tribute Gift
Make a monetary contribution in honor of or in memory of a loved one or friend by contacting the Library Manager of your local library. You will be asked to fill out a form which will be submitted to the AZRLS’ Technical Services Department for processing.
Book Donation
Before making a gently used book donation please contact the library to confirm they are accepting donations, especially if you have a large quantity you wish to donate. You may bring donations to the loading dock or circulation desk of any member library. Libraries do not guarantee that materials will be added to the general collection. Items not added will be given to the library’s Friends Group for their monthly book sales, the proceeds of which directly support the library. Any unusable materials will be recycled.
Libraries are able to accept rare books, albums (vinyl records), CDs and DVDs. Libraries do NOT accept: magazines, newspapers, or encyclopedias, and will discard broken, moldy, damaged items, or anything in a non-circulating format (like cassette tapes and VHS).
Materials for Genealogy Collections
Member libraries welcome the donation of rare and unique materials for their Heritage and Historical Rooms. Libraries also accept local and Georgia history materials. Note: AZRLS libraries have Heritage Collection and Maintenance Guidelines that detail the type of materials accepted. Please contact your local library for more information.
The donation of time is always welcomed and volunteer opportunities are available throughout the year at most member libraries. Please contact AZRLS about volunteering opportunities in your local library. You may also submit an application to be placed on file by completing this form Volunteer Application and emailing it to: Nancy Condon at or mailing it to: Azalea Regional Library System, Attn: Nancy Condon, 1121 East Ave, Madison, GA. 30650. A background check is required of volunteers who desire to work with children or young adults.
Join a Friends of the Library Group
You can also volunteer your time by becoming a member of your local library’s Friends Group. These dedicated 501(c)(3) groups work in library bookstores or book sale rooms, organizing and preparing gently used books and other items for sale to the public. All proceeds benefit the library and support programs and events, purchase books and supplies, or fund operations. These fundraising efforts help some of our member libraries remain open to the public seven days a week. The libraries consider their Friends of the Library groups to be some of their best friends!
Make a planned donation by including your local library or AZRLS in your will or estate plans.
Self-Published or Local Author Presses
Donations of self-published or local author books are subject to the same selection criteria as books the libraries purchase for their general collections. Materials are reviewed by the AZRLS’ Technical Services Department and authors are notified if their books are approved for inclusion in a library collection. Materials not selected will be returned to the author/publisher if contact information is provided at the time of donation.