Let us do the browsing for you!
If you know exactly what you want to read, need some assistance deciding about books or movies, or just want to be surprised, our staff can help.
How It Works:
Library staff will ask you a few questions about what you’re looking for — such as children’s books about animals, Young Adult graphic novels, or movies with a Western theme — and your personal selector will then find and collect relevant materials that meet your request. You will then be notified when the items are ready to be picked up in-house or through Curbside Service hours. Please allow 2-3 days for staff to fill your request. Forms submitted over a weekend may take longer to fill.
To utilize this service, choose one of the following forms of communication:
Fill out the Selector Service Form. This will be the quickest way to submit your request.
Call your local library & speak to a staff member during regular business hours.