Eatonton-Putnam County Library
The library is conveniently located in the City of Eatonton and open seven (7) days a week. Free wifi is available 24/7. Check the library’s calendar for programs and events.
Eatonton-Putnam County Library
Library Hours:
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri - 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Thurs - 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Saturday - 10:00AM - 4:00PM
Sunday - 2:00PM - 6:00PM
*Add the calendar to your account by clicking the blue plus sign in the bottom right corner.
Entrepreneurial Mindset Training Course
LearningExpress Library
Job & Career Accelerator LearningExpress
Click here to view employment opportunities.
Wondering how you can support your local Library? Join the Friends of the Library. The Friends of the Library (FOL) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports the library and funds literacy programs & initiatives. For more information inquire at the front desk or call the library.
Find out more here: GA Family Passes and Partnerships
Free park and museum passes are also available for checkout, thanks to a partnership with the Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS). More information about all of the partnership offerings, visit their partnerships page.
GALILEO’s online offerings include eRead Kids; Novelist; Gale Legal Forms Library; MANGO Languages; Job and Career Accelerator; Ancestry Library Edition; Heritage Quest; Consumer Reports; and many more. visit and log into your account to access in the top menu.
Find open meeting postings, agendas, summaries, and minutes in the following folder: PU_Bd_Open Meeting Postings_Agendas, Summaries, Minutes
PLAY Cards give students free access to Azalea Regional Library resources and services. Students also have access to over 11 million items through the PINES lending network.
Our Summer Reading Program (SRP) is designed to inspire a love for books and learning in readers of all ages. Engage in exciting activities, including interactive storytelling sessions, creative workshops, and lively book discussions. Earn rewards and recognition as you reach reading milestones and explore new literary horizons. Join us for a summer filled with imagination, discovery, and the joy of reading. Stay tuned for SRP 2024!
Are you in need of a computer? We'll get you connected! As part of AZRLS's new Technology Lending Program, all member libraries have Chromebooks & hotspots available for patron checkout. Contact your local library for more information!
Read a book (any book) to your child aged birth-kindergarten. The goal is to have read 1,000 books (yes you can repeat books) before your precious one starts kindergarten.
Log in to beanstack to join the challenge are start logging your books!
Download the Beanstack (by Zoobean) app to make logging even easier! (for Apple) (for Android)
As part of the Azalea Regional Library System, the Eatonton-Putnam County Library is able to offer patrons with a valid PINES library card access to:
Free public computer access
Free Wifi
Alice Walker mini Museum on-site
AWE Early Literacy Station Computers, Ages 2-8 years
Quiet Study Room
Wireless Printing / Copying / Notary / Scanning / Faxing
Heritage Genealogy Room
Regular & Large Print Materials
Assistive Technology
Free Programs & Events for all ages and interests (Check our Calendar!)
Digital libraries full of eBooks, audiobooks, and digital magazines for all ages via
eRead Kids, and Sebco Books.
hoopla, Libby, Freading, AND MORE!
Check out the Digital Libraries page for sign up and user info.
The Carnegie Room an area is dedicated to the youngest of patrons and features computers, books, and a reading area just for children. Built in 1916, it boasts exquisite original hardwood shelves, floors, window frames, and fixtures, a fireplace, marble fountain, and a beautiful robin’s egg blue ceiling. The original circulation desk from the Carnegie Library is still in use today.

The Alice Walker Mini-Museum was provided by funding from the Georgia Public Library Service Community Partnership Grant. This mini museum features limited edition books donated from Alice Walker’s personal collection, an original Carnegie writing desk and photos taken during the Alice Walker 75 Day in 2019. A glass case was purchased to protect and secure these limited edition books, namely one particular copy of “The Color Purple” signed by Alice Walker, sits on the very top shelf allowing visitors to view her signature. Two other bookshelves were added to showcase other books written by Alice Walker and other local authors to provide patrons with an opportunity to appreciate and enjoy their work.
This grant was received in partnership with the Georgia Writers Museum located in Downtown Eatonton. Melissa Swindell, director of the Georgia Writers Museum, worked with Dr. Chip Bell to donate a Remington typewriter to our mini-museum. This typewriter serves as a replica of the 162 Smith Corona typewriter used by Alice Walker, believed to be a gift from her mother as she left Eatonton for college at Spelman College in Atlanta. On Aug 2, 2023 Larry Moore visited the min-museum and provided several stories of his friendship with Alice Walker. Going forward, this mini-museum will inspire generations of young readers and writers by means of the A. W. Writers Guild set to begin in Fall 2023. Our team at Eatonton-Putnam County Library is very proud of this opportunity to honor Alice Walker in such a prestigious manner.