March Newsletter

< This March, Explore the Possibilities at Your Library!
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👍Staff Picks
Adolescents are hardwired to explore and grow, but many are disengaged from school and learning. Simultaneously bored and overwhelmed, this apathy is feeding an alarming teen mental health crisis. As teenagers become more independent, parents may feel powerless to help. Journalist Jenny Anderson and education expert Rebecca Winthrop combine original research with stories of kids who transformed their relationship with learning to create a tool kit for supporting your kid's academic and emotional growth and success.
Welcome to the mystical land of Afronia, where life is good and full of color. The Afro Unicorns can't wait to celebrate the annual Festival of Crowns. But on the way to the festival, Divine and Unique come across Castle Monotonic, which is home to the mysterious Madame Imperious who wants to drain all the color from Afronia. Madame Imperious has already started draining the color from a young Afrosaurus. It's up to Unique and Divine to save Afronia and the Afrosaurus. Otherwise, their magical land might be doomed... forever!
We're excited to be working with Inspiredu to bring valuable digital literacy programs to your community! As we plan for the rest of 2025, we'd like to invite you to explore our programs and how they could benefit you and your family.  Please review the programs below and click the orange "program survey" button above to take the survey.

We offer two tiers of programs: 
  • Tier I: Learning Spark,  Each household will receive one refurbished laptop upon completion of one of the following workshops.
    • Adult Digital Literacy Workshop: This workshop is designed for adults and covers fundamental computer skills. Participants are encouraged to continue their learning at home through online certifications, such as those offered by Microsoft. We also provide resources on free or low-cost internet options.
    • Family Learning Workshop: This workshop is aimed at parents/caregivers and children in grades PreK-12. It offers basic digital literacy skills and helps families navigate educational resources, as well as engage with their child’s education in a digital environment. Free or low-cost internet resources are also provided.
  • Tier II: Wellness,  These workshops are for returning learners who have already completed Tier I, own their own laptop, and possess basic computer skills.
    • Telehealth: This workshop is conducted in partnership with the Georgia Hospital Association and its affiliates. Each session focuses on a different area of medicine, helping learners become more comfortable using telehealth resources on their laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. The classes are hybrid, allowing participants to join either in person or virtually.
    • Financial Literacy: These classes will be available starting in the spring and are led by financial planners, banks, credit unions, and other experts. The goal is to empower learners to create budgets, manage online accounts, protect their assets, learn to invest, and more—ultimately fostering financial wellness.
Join Us For These Upcoming Events 📅 Click here for Google Calendar
 Download PDF here
Spring Garden Talks by Walton County GA Master Gardeners at O'Kelly Memorial Library
  • March 3rd @ 2pm: A Guide to Seed Starting'
  • March 10th @ 2pm: Growing a Pollinator Garden
  • March 17th @ 2pm: DIY Drip Irrigation
Worried about the difference between normal aging and dementia? Attend our free program, "Normal Aging vs. Dementia" with Robin Dill, on Friday, March 7th at 10am at the O'Kelly Memorial Library in Loganville.

Calling all book lovers! Our next Book Club meeting is Wednesday, March 19th at 11:00 AM.
Come discuss The summer seekers by Sarah Morgan, and meet fellow book enthusiasts at the O'Kelly Memorial Library.
📷 In the Library
O’Kelly Bookclub FIRST annual Christmas Party. What a fun time had by all. If you’re interested in joining, stop in for current information, email ( or call (770) 466-2895.
Library Data
We welcomed hundreds of new users and saw thousands of visits this past quarter! See how O'Kelly Memorial Library served the community in our latest Q2 report.
💡Resource Spotlight💡
About eRead Kids
eRead Kids is the Georgia Public Library Service’s digital library of almost 15,000 eBooks and audio books for children from pre-k through fourth grade.

Check out picture books, graphic novels, nonfiction, and more! Find popular series such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Big Nate, Who Was…? and Geronimo Stilton. eRead Kids can be used on any tablet, phone, or computer.

To access eRead Kids on your mobile device:
  1. Download the Boundless app from the app store on your mobile device. 
  2. Enter Azalea Regional Library System in the search box to find your library.
  3. Then enter your PLAY Card student ID/number and your PIN (6 digit) student birth month and year. Click Login.
  4. Click on the book icon in the top right hand corner of the app to access checkouts, holds, and wishlists. Click the three dots in the top right hand corner of the app to access the home page and browse titles available for checkout.

Read and enjoy!

The PINES student PLAY card gives all Walton County students a special library card using their student ID with no late fees. These PLAY cards are funded by a generous grant from Georgia Public Library Service.
Copyright © 2022 Azalea Regional Library System, All rights reserved.

Our address is:

363 Conyers Road   |   Loganville, Georgia 30052   |  (770) 466-2895

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AZRLS · 1121 East Ave · Madison, GA 30650-1470 · USA


April Newsletter


February Newsletter