September Newsletter: Gear up for an exciting September at Greene County Library!

Gear up for an exciting September at Greene County Library! From Teen D&D to Pokémon Swap, we have events for everyone.
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📙Staff Picks
Hope Smith and her twin brother Gordon enter a charity spelling bee hosted by the wealthy Winterton family, who are also their distant relatives. They desperately need the prize money to avoid eviction. At the Winterton estate, they discover a clue hunt set up by the late matriarch, offering an alternate way to win the fortune. As they compete against their relatives and uncover family secrets, tensions rise. "Final Word" is a suspenseful mystery with a thrilling clue hunt and hidden family secrets.

A horticulturist, garden designer and writer/editor provides tips and tricks to sustain and "fix" your house plants with information on more than 100 different plants to help them bloom and thrive in your own space.

The kids in these humorous short stories each have a minor superpower they're learning to live with. One can shape-shift--but only part of her body, and only on Mondays. Another can always tell whether an avocado is perfectly ripe. One can even hear the thoughts of the animals in the pet store! But what these stories are really about is their young protagonists "owning" a power that contributes to their individuality, that allows them to find their place in the world, that shows them a potential they might not have imagined.

Click here to view our Google Calendar 📅
 Download the pdf here!
AZRLS Libraries will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, September 2nd.
It’s Library Card Sign Up Month! With your library card, you can learn new job skills, go to story time with your kids, research your next school project, learn a language, get free admission to great places across Georgia and much more. Visit your library in-person or online to get your free library card: 

Sign up for a library card this month and be entered into a prize drawing! Current patrons - get entered into a drawing every time you use your card to check out books! Drawings on October 1st!

On Sunday, September 1st from 2:15 – 5:15pm improve your Math Skills in our Makerspace! From base 10 sets to lego math problems, and more, we will provide all of our Math resources for a day of hands on practice. This is a drop in program from 2:15pm until 5:15pm, work at your own pace and bring your grown-up or Math Buddy to help you practice!
Astronomy Club
Thursday, September 5th from 6:00 – 7:00pm

Join us as we explore the Moon Views exhibit, the moon landing, and then discuss the International Space Station. Activities, snacks, and a chance to break out the telescope are all included in this fun meeting!
Pirate Day: Thursday, Sept 19th
  • Pirate Storytime 10:30am
  • Pirate Craft 11am
  • Pirate Name Activity All Day
  • Treasure Hunt All Day
📷 Library Snapshots
Wonderbooks are here! Wonderbooks read to children, ask questions, and make learning fun! Come discover our new ready-to-play audiobooks!
Makerspace fun with perler beads and microscopes!
Ask the circulation desk to use any of these items whenever you are here!
Greene County Farm Bureau's Mobile Dairy Classroom program
💡Resource Spotlight💡

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten 


Keeping Georgia’s public library shelves stocked with books and other resources is crucial in getting young children ready to read. 

We’ve partnered with libraries to encourage parents to read 1,000 books with their children before age 5. This program is designed to be a fun and easy way to help your child develop pre-reading skills vital to kindergarten readiness.

Research shows a striking correlation between pre-reading skills and later academic success reaching into high school and beyond.

Parents and caregivers are a child’s first and best teacher. By sharing stories at home, you can give your child a valuable gift – a sense of confidence and a love for books and reading that can last a lifetime.

Get Started with 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
📚 Books, E-Media, and Digital Libraries
The PINES student PLAY card gives all Greene County students a special library card using their student number with no late fees. These PLAY cards are funded by a generous grant from Georgia Public Library Service.  Find out more here!
Copyright © 2022 Azalea Regional Library System, All rights reserved.

Our address is:

610 South Main Street   |   Greensboro, Georgia 30642   |   (706) 453-7276

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AZRLS · 1121 East Ave · Madison, GA 30650-1470 · USA


Hello, Get ready for a fun-filled month at the Greene County Library with our October Newsletter!


Greene County Library's August newsletter is packed with fun, check it out!

The Azalea Regional Library System is a nine (9) member library system with a regional headquarters office in Madison, Georgia. Member libraries serve diverse and unique communities in Greene, Hancock, Jasper, Morgan, Putnam, and Walton counties, with a total service population of approximately 187,000 residents. AZRLS is a proud member of PINES, a public library automation and lending network for over 300 libraries and affiliated service outlets in 53 library systems covering 146 counties. PINES creates a statewide “borderless library” that provides equal access to information for all Georgians.  Find your local library here.

Contact Us

Azalea Regional Library System
1121 East Avenue, Madison, GA 30650
(706) 342-4974 | Fax (706) 342-4510

Azalea Regional Library System is a PINES participating library