A gripping psychological thriller follows Adam, a struggling stay-at-home dad, as his marriage unravels. His obsession with neighbor Ali takes a dark turn when he spots her suspicious ex-boyfriend, Crispin. Fearing for Ali's safety, Adam dives into a search for the truth, revealing a web of deceit and lies in his suburban town. Perfect for fans of Paula Hawkins and Gillian Flynn, this suspenseful tale explores the lengths couples go to protect their marriages and the secrets that threaten to destroy them.
Available on
In this timeless classic, a determined little boy defies skeptics by planting a carrot seed, confident it will grow. Published in 1945, Ruth Krauss's simple yet powerful text, paired with Crockett Johnson's eloquent illustrations, beautifully captures the enduring themes of patience, determination, and self-belief. A triumphant and deeply satisfying story for readers of all ages. story for readers of all ages.
Available on
Join us on Thursdays in February (1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th) at 10:30 am for Storytime!
Calling All Teens! Join the Greene County Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB) and make your voice heard. TAB hosts a chess club, anime club, and a book club, created by teens and hosted by teens. The Greene County Library is a welcoming and safe place for all ages - contact us for more information! Next meeting Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 4:00pm.
Ready for our Pokémon League Monthly Challenge? Can you make a team consisting of only one type of Pokémon and win? Join us on Thursday, February 8th from 5:30 - 6:30 pm to find out!
Pokémon players of all ages are invited to join us on Saturday, February 10th from 11am to 3pm for a card-swapping and battling event! Each participant will receive a complimentary Pokémon card upon arrival. For those eager to engage in battles, Pokémon energy cards will be provided while supplies last. Take the opportunity to enjoy a Pokémon movie during card swapping, or indulge in coloring pages featuring your favorite Pokémon!
Join us for our bimonthly Dungeons and Dragons group for various ages and abilities. Contact the library to have your information sent to the Dungeon Master to join the campaign!
Sun, February 11th at 2:30pm
Sun, February 25th at 2:30pm
Memory Boosters is an Early-Stage Social Engagement Program that supports good brain health with light exercise, socialization, brain stimulating exercises and more. Caregivers are encouraged to attend.
Join instructor Ellen Steger and Kristen Loeb on the following dates:
Wednesday, February 14th at 1pm
Wednesday, February 28th at 1pm
Wednesday, March 6th at 1pm
Wednesday, March 20th at 1pm
Make plans for Winter Break with the Library! We have a great week of STEM activities planned starting Monday, February 19th through Friday, February 23rd.
Azalea Regional Headquarters and all Member Libraries will be closed on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 for staff development. We will resume normal business hours at Thursday, February 22, 2024.
Did you know you can access GALE LegalForms for FREE
with your library card through GALILEO?
Explore Gale LegalForms—an extensive resource filled with forms for your everyday legal needs! Need to create a will, deal with real estate, or navigate a divorce? You'll find customizable forms as well as official documents like court samples, checklists, and sample letters.
Make your legal journey easier with tools like Legal Definitions, a Law Digest, and Legal Q&A. They'll help you understand legal stuff better!. Business owners can use it too! Got a small business? Find forms for copyrights, trademarks, licenses, and more.
To access:
1. Start by visiting www.gapines.org clicking on My Account and logging in with your Library Card info.
2. Once you are logged in click on GALILEO Virtual Library to start accessing the online library portal.
3. Search GALILEO: Gale
Curious what the most checkout books from hoopla in 2023 were?
Check them out here!
Get ready to strike a chord with these self-paced online music lessons by @ArtistWorks taught by the masters. Players of all levels will improve skills, get feedback, and practice with purpose. Find it under “Extras” in the #LibbyApp, free with your library card.
The PINES student PLAY card gives all Greene County students a special library card using their student number with no late fees. These PLAY cards are funded by a generous grant from Georgia Public Library Service. Find out more here!