Murphy Shepherd, recovering from a dangerous rescue mission, desires to be with his family. However, he's compelled to halt Bones's destructive brother and inspire others to realize their value. Amidst a high-stakes chase, Murphy faces severe trials, including the shocking abduction of his mentor. Struggling without leads, he questions his belief in love's unwavering presence. "The Record Keeper" delves into the sacrifices of seeking the lost, highlighting the profound cost and significance of the endeavor.
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It’s Library Card Sign-up Month! With your library card, you can learn new job skills, go to story time with your kids, research your next school project, learn a language, get free admission to great places across Georgia and much more.
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Did you know you can access a wide range of top-notch magazines right at your fingertips, absolutely free, through the Libby app?
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The PINES student PLAY card gives all Hancock County students
a special library card using their student ID with no late fees! *PLAY cards are funded by a generous grant from Georgia Public Library Service.