In 1946, as London struggles to rebuild after the devastation of the Blitz, Alice Diamond, leader of a gang of women jewel thieves, takes on a teenager named Nell and guides her in their underworld existence even as Nell plots to carve out her own path to power and riches.
Sparta-Hancock County Library will be hosting 5-weeks of courses designed to teach you the basics in learning how to use your computer, tablet, mobile devices as well as understanding how to be more secure on the Internet. These courses are designed to help you be more comfortable and confident as you use your devices on a daily basis.
Register today! Call 706-444-5389 or visit to sign up for one or all classes.
The PINES student PLAY card gives all Hancock County students
a special library card using their student ID with no late fees! *PLAY cards are funded by a generous grant from Georgia Public Library Service.