In a novel by a beloved bestselling author, Mia Jacob finds refuge and transformation through literature. "The Scarlet Letter" mirrors her life within an oppressive cult, sparking a journey of self-discovery. Love, time's fluidity, and the bond between readers and writers take center stage. As Mia's path converges with a writer from the past, the narrative questions the impact of alternate realities.
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It’s Library Card Sign-up Month! With your library card, you can learn new job skills, go to story time with your kids, research your next school project, learn a language, get free admission to great places across Georgia and much more.
Visit your library in-person or online to get your free library card:
Sign up for a library card and start borrowing ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, movies, tv shows, and more immediately from hoopla.
Did you know you can access a wide range of top-notch magazines right at your fingertips, absolutely free, through the Libby app?
Top Downloads from the Freading App
The PINES student PLAY card gives all Walton County students a special library card using their student ID with no late fees. These PLAY cards are funded by a generous grant from Georgia Public Library Service.