"None of This Is True" by Lisa Jewell is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that delves into the tangled web of secrets and lies within a seemingly idyllic suburban neighborhood. When a young woman goes missing, the veneer of perfection crumbles, revealing hidden truths, shocking betrayals, and a community shattered by dark secrets. Jewell masterfully explores the complexities of human nature and the devastating consequences of keeping secrets in this addictive and twist-filled novel.
Log reading and earn badges all along the way. Earn a free book for every 200 you read with your child. Reading to multiple children at the same time? Log the book for everyone! Still have questions? Contact your local AZRLS library. We are here to help!
Can you become a
Master of Minutes?
It's as simple as reading 20 minutes a day! Log your minutes and earn new badges! This challenge is for everyone! You can log both book titles and minutes at the same time and Beanstack will credit them to the right challenge automatically.
The PINES student PLAY card gives all Walton County students a special library card using their student ID with no late fees. These PLAY cards are funded by a generous grant from Georgia Public Library Service.